Complete Visibility in Wastewater Tanks

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Introducing SediVision

SediVision® is a predictive maintenance solution that provides complete visibility in full wastewater tanks to determine if they require cleaning or maintenance.

Given most wastewater infrastructure is out of sight, it often be out of mind unless it becomes an emergency.

With SediVision®, you’ll know precisely how much and where debris material such as sand and grit has accumulated in your tanks, enabling you to make informed decisions about restoring capacity, operations at your treatment facility, and where to direct wastewater tank cleaning resources.

  • Reduce uncertainty in the quantity of sand and grit debris without draining down your wastewater tank.
  • Plan capital expense and maintenance activity better.
  • Evaluate operational and wastewater treatment efficiencies at your plant or reclamation facility such as aerators, mixers, diffusers, and grit collection systems.
See Wastewater Tank Sand and Grit Debris for Cleaning with SediVision

Probing performed on accessible areas of Oxidation Ditch. Estimated 100 cubic yards of material. ↓

Probing Study Oxidation Ditch

Probing missed the area where sand and grit debris accumulates.↓

SediVision Visibility Debris Oxidation Ditch

SediVision Complete Visibility revealed 3X the amount of accumulated sand and grit material.

News | Updates

September 3, 2022

Have a Safe & Happy Labor Day

What better way to celebrate American labor than with a well-earned long weekend? From the administrators who keep our companies running smoothly, to operators in the field getting the big jobs done, and everyone in between, we at SediVision hope you have a safe, restful, and fun Labor Day weekend.

Wastewater Visibility News

Upcoming wastewater technology webinar examines innovative, game-changing technology for tanks and other wastewater infrastructure.
SediVision Presenting at WaterJAM 2024
SediVision, a wastewater engineering firm, will be presenting in Virginia Beach at WaterJAM 2024, a conference sponsored by Virginia Water Environment Association.
WASHINGTON: Today, Aug. 21, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced $9 million in grant funding to four institutions for research to address knowledge gaps and better identify and manage antimicrobial resistance risk. Antimicrobial resistance is a major public health concern and can make it harder to treat certain infections in animals and people. Wastewater treatment facilities are potential receptors and sources ... Read More
This Labor Day, we’re celebrating hardworking teams across the country. At U.S. Submergent Technologies® and SediVision®, we’re proud to support those who keep our nation’s infrastructure flowing smoothly. Here’s to the dedication, innovation, and teamwork America’s workforce demonstrates daily. We hope you enjoy a much-deserved day off and our deepest appreciation if you are among the workers who are on the job this ... Read More
Live Webinar: Like an MRI for Wastewater®
Wastewater webinar discussing how dark water visibility informs and empowers water professionals.

Hear from x y z [testimonial intro headline]

By Quedog4life - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0 - See Wikipedia entry for Indiantown, Florida

USST worked with us to help make the process of restoring capacity at our plant as seamless as possible … The funding available through the Florida Sand and Grit Grant program helps rural municipalities like ours continue to serve our community with excellence.

 - Utilities Manager | Village of Indiantown, FL

The process of grit and sand removal went very smooth with no interruptions of service. Your staff answered all questions and handled the task professionally.

 - Wastewater Superintendent | Lake Wales, FL
[We] are grateful that U.S. Submergent was able to act quickly and get it done. Virtually all solids were removed and we have since gained back the full pumping capacity of [our] influent pump station.

 - Professional Engineer | St. Johns County, FL